Sales/Support: 805-201-2301

One size does NOT fit all.

Industry specific risk factors are minimized through properly fitted equipment. By following Industry and governmental organization guidelines we have products that not only increase job comfort but also safety, helping to minimize employer risk liability.

One size does NOT fit all.

Industry specific risk factors are minimized through properly fitted equipment. By following Industry and governmental organization guidelines we have products that not only increase job comfort but also safety, helping to minimize employer risk liability.

Healthcare ergonomics seems to be the hottest growing sector and manufacturers are producing new wall mounts and other items such as clean room stools and bariatric chairs that are more efficient and cost effective. Of course, office ergonomics consistently has the most new ergonomic items. And lastly, Laboratory and industrial ergonomics seems to have the most customized equipment available. At Perfect Fit Ergonomics we are consistently looking for the most effective items at the best price points to assist with your purchasing.

Solutions for all workplace environments


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