Sales/Support: 805-201-2301

One size does NOT fit all.

Industry specific risk factors are minimized through properly fitted equipment. By following Industry and governmental organization guidelines we have products that not only increase job comfort but also safety, helping to minimize employer risk liability.

One size does NOT fit all.

Industry specific risk factors are minimized through properly fitted equipment. By following Industry and governmental organization guidelines we have products that not only increase job comfort but also safety, helping to minimize employer risk liability.

Perfect Fit Ergonomics understands the industrial environment and the many requirements.  From the Line workers, to reception area, to the cubicle space, to the private office, to the break room, and the conference room each has a very different need.  With this in mind, we work with manufactures that have proven to supply the equipment needed for each category.

Specialty stools, mats, sit/stand desks, reception desks, couches, case goods, mobile carts, task chairs, conference room chairs and tables,  break room chairs and tables, and executive chairs are available with the office professional in mind increasing comfort, health and productivity while keeping expenses inline.

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Solutions for all workplace environments


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